Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Grandma bubbles

I'll get to the title a little further into this post...but first I want to vent. of my biggest pet peeves in this real estate market is sellers who refuse showings!  As I am sitting in my office this afternoon trying to schedule all the showings for my 2 buyers this weekend I am wondering what exactly those people are thinking.  Do they not understand that you need showings to get offers, and you need offers to get contracts, and contracts to SELL YOUR HOUSE?  Do they think they are special?  Could it be that they are not morning people and just don't want to get up?  Does their agent know they are refusing showings? I am an understanding person.  I can appreciate a sick child or a life event or major sporting event.  Perhaps I am just more on edge today because my husband is out of town and I am once again forced into a single mommy scenario that is very tiring.  Maybe it's becuase I am sitting indoors on this beautiful Central Ohio day (IN FEBURARY FOLKS!!) working to sell YOUR home that you just refused the showing for instead of at home with Owen kicking his ball around the yard.  Well, to you Mr. Seller, I say good luck.  I am assuming something MAJOR is happening in your life on Saturday morning that is preventing you from allowing me access to your home!  If my assuming has caused me to be an 'ass' well then so be it! 
And I will move grandma bubbles. 

For me, as some already know, getting to work WITH your child when necessary is a God send.  I am blessed to have chosen a career that offers that option.  So, last week (and I'm sorry for the late story, but it's hilarious!) he came to the office with me to finish up a few things, submit a counter offer, and make some calls.  It was later in the day and he was getting grumpy and 'busy'.  When I refer to Owen being 'busy' I simply mean that he is like the mini version of his dad on like 4 cups of coffee.  He runs up and down the halls, screams, laughs out loud, raids the cabinets/fridge/mailboxes/drawers/file folders (you name it, he finds it), etc.  You get the point...and if you know Scott, you know the 'dad' reference.  So, I am forever grateful to our administrators for keeping him occupied sometimes when I just need a few minutes.  One inparticular has several grandchildren of her own and adores Owen of course, but I always feel guilty regardless of their pleading for me to bring him or the looks I get when I show up sans Owen.  On this particular day, we were there a bit past dinner and Owen was spending most of his time at the front desk where he knew there would be candy to raid.  They had a great time manning the desk while I packed everything up.  As we were heading out, Owen runs up to give her a BIG hug (he gives the best hugs!) and she picked him up while he fervently squeezed her neck.  He then gets a peculiar look on his face, pushes off of her a bit and looks down.  The next movement I saw was like super slow motion when you know you aren't going to be fast enough but at the same time you have to try.  Sure enough, Owen was reaching out both hands directly for her boobs!!  As time caught up with me I see the hands make contact, squeeze, and his little voice saying "BUBBLES, BUBBLES"!!  It had to be the funniest thing he has done in quite a while and for being his first real boob reference I guess bubble works, eh??  I hope we won't be getting a visit from a jealous hubby :)

Oh my...I love my little assistant! 

Sidenote: congrats to Mark and Ellie Andre on the purchase of their new home!  I look forward to getting you to closing and helping to get you settled in Central Ohio!